Fit on the job

With a company health management system that is tailored to the needs of your employees, you not only reduce sickness levels in the long term, but also increase the performance of your company - An investment that has a positive effect on the entire working atmosphere and also promotes loyalty!

I am happy to support your company in the planning and implementation of measures in the context of company health management. I support you and your employees with seminars, workshops, courses or individual coaching to inspire health-conscious behavior and more exercise.

Workshops / lectures

With diverse workshops or lectures, I support your company and, above all, your employees in giving new impulses for a more sustainable approach to their health. Tailored to the needs of your employees, I offer specialist lectures and workshops on topics from the field of nutrition, exercise and relaxation, for example the 'active break' for more active prevention of back pain and tension in the workplace.

Your advantages

  • Concepts individually tailored to the needs of your employees
  • You reduce the sickness rate of your employees
  • The productivity of healthy and active employees has been shown to be better
  • Team building is promoted with joint activities by employees
  • Efficient employees become aware of their company
  • Your employees feel a stronger and more long-term identification with the company through the entrepreneurial willingness to care
  • Tax advantages

Health Days

  • Individually tailored concept to fit your company or your department!
  • Impulse lecture on various topics: Stress prevention, healthy nutrition, gut health, etc.
  • Metabolic checks
  • Active breaks

Your advantages

  • Concepts individually tailored to the needs of your employees
  • You reduce the sickness rate of your employees
  • The productivity of healthy and active employees has been shown to be better
  • Team building is promoted with joint activities by employees
  • Efficient employees become aware of their company
  • Your employees feel a stronger and more long-term identification with the company through the entrepreneurial willingness to care
  • Tax advantages

Arrange a free initial consultation now!!
